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2023-12-21 16:21:27 股票攻略


1. Asking about someone's condition (询问某人的状况)

What happened? (发生了什么事?)

What's the matter? (怎么了?)

What's wrong? (有什么问题?)

Are you okay? (你还好吗?)

2. Offering to treat someone (请某人吃饭)

Can I buy you dinner? (我可以请你吃饭吗?)

Buy *** (you) dinner. (为某人买饭)

Let me treat you to a meal. (让我请你吃一顿饭。)

3. Complimenting someone's English proficiency (表扬某人英语流利程度)

You speak English very fluently. (你的英语非常流利。)

Your English is very good. (你的英语很好。)

You speak English very well. (你的英语说得很好。)

Your spoken English is very good. (你口语非常好。)

4. Expressing gratitude for someone's hard work (感谢某人的努力工作)

Good work / Good job. (干得好/做得好。)

Thanks a lot. (非常感谢。)

5. Responding to someone's concern (回应某人的关切)

It's nothing serious. I just have a bit of a headache. (没什么严重的,我只是有点头疼。)

I'm fine, just a little tired. (我没事,只是有点累。)

6. Giving someone the authority to make decisions (给某人决策权)

It's up to you. (由你决定。)

You're the boss. (你是老大。)

It's your call. (听你的。)

Whatever you say. (随你说。)

You're in charge. (你做主。)

7. Expressing dissatisfaction or complaints (表达不满或抱怨)

Venting one's frustrations (发泄自己的不满)

Offering constructive criticism (提供建设性的批评)
