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2024-06-05 22:35:21 股票百科


Huaxin Innovation Hybrid Fund (Front-end: 040001 Back-end: 041001) is a type of mixed fund. As of July 21, 2023, the net value estimation and related services for some funds have been temporarily suspended, resulting in no display of the latest net value. The current net value of Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) is 0.9080, with a change of 0.0000%. The fund has a negative cumulative return rate of -10.01% for the past quarter and -25.02% for the past year. Detailed net value information can be found in the Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) net value table.

2. 华安创新混合(040001)基金净值查询

The net value of Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) today is 0.9080, with a change of 0.0000%. The fund has a negative cumulative return rate of -10.01% for the past quarter and -25.02% for the past year. Detailed historical net value information can be found in the Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) historical net value table.

3. 基金评级和风险等级

The Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) is classified as a mixed fund with medium risk. The fund is rated by Ji'an Jinxin. The latest estimated value is not available, and the unit net value is 0.8340 with a change of 1.71%. The fund has a negative return rate of -8.65% for the past 3 months, -24.11% for the past year, and -27.30% for the past 3 years.

4. 购买华安创新混合(040001)

Investors who wish to purchase the Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) can use the Fund Trading Network. The website provides comprehensive information including fund profile, fund fees, fund dividends, net value trends, fund announcements, fund holdings details, fund asset allocation, and industry investments. The estimated cost for purchasing this fund is 0.15 yuan (with a fee rate of 0.15%), which saves 0.14 yuan. Investors can also choose to make regular investments with a minimum investment amount of 10 yuan.

5. 基金经理变更和业绩情况

Some investors have expressed dissatisfaction with the performance of Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) since the change of fund manager. They believe that the fund has been performing worse day by day and year by year.

6. 了解基金净值和累计净值

The current net value of Huaxin Innovation Fund (040001) is 0.8550, and the cumulative net value is 4.2140 as of January 3, 2024. The previous trading day's net value was 0.8590, with a cumulative net value of 4.2310.


1. 华安创新混合基金(040001)的表现较差。根据近一季、近一年和近三年的累计收益率数据,该基金的回报率均为负数,投资者在持有该基金期间的收益率较低。

2. 基金评级和风险等级。该基金被评为中等风险的混合型基金,并通过济安金信进行评级。投资者应根据自身的风险承受能力进行投资,并注意基金投资的波动性。

3. 基金经理变更可能会对基金的表现产生影响。根据部分投资者的反馈,自基金经理变更以来,华安创新混合基金(040001)的表现逐渐下降。投资者在选择基金时应考虑基金经理的背景和经验。

4. 购买华安创新混合基金(040001)的费用较低。该基金的购买费用为0.15%,相对较低。投资者可以通过基金买卖网进行购买,并可以选择定期定额投资。
